
Adult Basketball

Best Choice Fieldhouse knows that basketball is not just for the young, but the young at heart as well. No matter what your age or skill level, you can find a league that allows you to compete and keep in shape. Our adult leagues feature A, B, and even C Divisions and if that is not enough — we can even start and organize a new league for you and your group. Let our experienced staff organize and manage your corporation or organization’s league!


Mark Tamm

Current League:

Winter 2025 RAM’S MENS LEAGUE:

January 5, 2024 – March 15, 2024

League Details:

The league is 8 games plus a single elimination tournament. Team entry fee is $925.00. All Players have to register on the Liability and waiver form on the website, Photo IDs will be checked at first game played.

Important Player Participant Notes:
  • Each team captain should register the team online including payment for the team entry fee and team roster information
  • All players need to sign the 3STEP Sports waiver and liability release form available on the league registration website
  • All players check in before playing in the first game, photo ID required
Adult League Rules:

IHSAA (High School) rules will be followed with the following exceptions:

    1. The league is 8 games plus a single elimination tournament.
    2. Team entry fee varies per league. All fees must be paid in full before you are put on the schedule.
    3. All teams must have matching jerseys with the same team color. Each jersey must have individual numbers on each jersey, without duplicating numbers. Jersey’s can be purchased from Best Choice Fieldhouse for $20 each during check in.
    4. All games will be played with start times ranging from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Please check the website each week and the day of the game at noon for potential schedule changes.
    5. Each team must provide a game clock operator or scorekeeper and should bring their own game and warmup balls. The game officials will show each team’s captain how to work the clock and keep the scoresheet. All clock discrepancies will be handled according to the official’s judgment. The official score is the score sheet. Please turn in score sheet after each game with team names and scores on the sheet. Scores and standings will be updated each week.
    6. Time posted is tip-time. A five minute grace period will be given to any team that does not have at least four players ready to play. After the five minutes have expired, then the first half game time will begin and will not stop until the unprepared team has at least four players ready to play. A one shot technical foul will be assessed to the unprepared team for every minute that runs off the game clock. A forfeit will be declared if a team can not produce four players prior to the end of the twenty minute halve.
    7. Games will consist of two twenty minute halves. The clock will stop on all time-outs, and on every whistle in the last two minutes of the game. This includes over-time sessions — two minutes for the first OT and one minute for any additional.
    8. Rosters are final before the start of the second game. Any team wishing to add a player after the second game must pay $20 per player prior to the game. Teams found to be using players not on their roster will have their game’s forfeited and fined for those players.
    9. Players may enter the lane on free throw attempts when the ball is released by the shooter. (college rule)
    10. Your team registration is your pledge to every team and player in the league that you will fulfill your commitment to the league schedule. Best Choice Fieldhouse cannot guarantee games not played as originally scheduled will be rescheduled. Games that can not be rescheduled will count as forfeits against the canceling team. Teams will pay a $50 cancellation fee to cover the cost of the officials the first time a game is cancelled. A second cancellation in a season will result in the team’s removal from the league without refund. All teams must have a valid credit card on file to cover any cancellation fees incurred.
    11. Any player thrown out of a game will be suspended for the following game. A second occurrence will result in a suspension for the rest of the season. We will not allow fighting or unsportsmanlike conduct in this league. If you fight, you will face consequences and be suspended from entering Best Choice Fieldhouse. Best Choice Fieldhouse will have youth games occurring at the same time as the men’s league games. Please ask your team members to show good sportsmanship and leadership for the young players and their parents.
Game Schedule:

Winter League 2024 Dates






Off Super Bowl Sunday 9-Feb




Tournament 9-Mar

Tournament 15-Mar

Game Start times can be as late as 10:00 PM